Petite Journal Prompts

30 Journaling Prompts

Select one topic to write per day

  1. What do I want my body to do for me deeply at my core?
  2. What do I like about my body? Not just how it looks but what it does for me. Write at least 5 things and why
  3. What limiting beliefs, negative self talk, and/or unfair expectations (of my body) can I let go of? What will my life look like after I let go of all that?
  4. When was the first time I felt limited by my height? What happened?
  5. Write a letter to your body forgiving yourself of r everything it's been through.
  6. Write a letter to a friend who things negative thoughts about herself. How would you help her think more positively? (you don't have to actually give her the letter.)
  7. Write a letter to a friend/family/spouse explaining what you've been feeling lately. (you don't have to actually give them the letter.)
  8. What am I struggling with most right now? Where can I seek answers/help?
  9. Do I feel like I'm not meeting my expectations or other's expectations? Why?
  10. Who do I want to be? Why?
  11. How do I feel right now? How do I want to feel? What can I do to feel that way right now?
  12. What are some things that always make me feel better? Why?
  13. How can I do at least one things that makes me feel good today and everyday?
  14. How can I show myself I am worthy of living my best life?
  15. What does success mean to me?
  16. How can I take full responsibility for what's happening in my life instead of blaming others?
  17. Write 10 things you like about your physical appearance
  18. Why do I feel the need to find myself? What does finding myself mean to me?
  19. How can I show myself love and respect today?
  20. Who are 3 people I admire? What are 3 things I admire about them?
  21. How does my ideal day look? What would I eat? How would I workout? What am I working on? What does my home look like? What is my routine like? What am I wearing? Am I with anyone? Visualize your perfect day from start to finish.
  22. How can I start living my life as if it is already my dream life?
  23. Why do I feel resistance when asking for help?
  24. Write 10 things you are good at.
  25. What do I often get compliments about?
  26. What was the last compliment I gave and did I really mean it? How can I give more compliments?
  27. What is my biggest insecurity? How can I turn that insecurity into a strength?
  28. What as the most difficult thing I've overcome and how did I overcome it?
  29. Write a letter to your future self asking for guidance and anything else you need on the way to becoming the best version of yourself.
  30. Write 10 things you love about your life.

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